When people try to ride this horse, he pretends to be dead. He’s so dramatic that he should win an Oscar.

Life is hard, and sometimes we just don’t feel like doing as we’ve been told to do. Jingang is a horse that definitely feels that sentiment to his core.

Not all horses like to be ridden, and Jingang falls right into that category—literally.

Jingang, the horse in Mexico that practically pretends dead everytime someone attempts to ride him proves that humans are not the only lazy creatures that invent the most imaginative justifications to avoid hard work.

In fact, this horse named Jingang just got tired of hauling people about all day and thought of a creative method to avoid working.

We can’t determine if he’s too smart or too lazy.

Jingang makes an effort to be as theatrical as he can as he acts dead, pushing his tongue out and raising his legs high.

Sometimes, even before a person tries to mount him, he collapses to the ground, and the scene is very amusing.

Scroll down to view some photographs of this comical horse acting dead.

Who do you think Jingang is?

Okay, that call was simple. The man is theatrical, though. Even his tongue protrudes from his mouth.

Jingang gave a performance that won awards.

Even his legs are extended into the air. Such an instruction.

Jingang, if you close your eyes, no one will notice that you are breathing deeply.

Still not convinced?

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