The lizard looks up and asks, “Hey, what are you doing?” The monkey replies, “Smoking a joint. Come up and join me.” So the lizard climbs up and sits with the monkey, and they share another joint. After a while, the lizard says his mouth is dry and heads to the river for a drink. So stoned that he leans over too far, the lizard falls in. A crocodile notices and helps him to the bank, asking, “What’s the matter with you?”

The lizard explains that he was high, his mouth got dry, and he fell in trying to get a drink. Curious, the crocodile goes to find the monkey and sees him finishing a joint in the tree. The crocodile calls up, “Hey, MONKEY!” The monkey looks down and replies, “OMG! DUDE… HOW MUCH WATER DID YOU DRINK?!”

By admin

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