One Grandma Gave Her Grandchildren An “Adventure Box” For Christmas, And They Love It More Than Anything

As parents and grandparents start to collect Christmas lists from the young children in their lives, they’re bound to see a lot of requests for electronics and toys. Children love keeping up with the Joneses when it comes to video games and the latest toys. And while toys and games are fun, children these days seem to be spending a bit too much time and energy in the imaginary world a video game designer made for them – rather than using their own imaginations to create worlds of their own.

One loving grandmother came up with a great idea to spark her grandkids’ imaginations. Because she knew that the kids were going to be getting all their electronics and games from other family members, she decided to get creative with her gifts for Christmas.

Because grandma Darlene Howell Waller wanted to spend more time with her grandchildren while they weren’t glued to their video games or the internet, she created a special gift that promised something children these days hardly ever get to experience – adventure.

Grandma Darlene’s “adventure boxes” proved to be massive hits among the kiddos. She didn’t want to give her grandchildren more toys, so she crafted her own boxes with hand-written notes and the promise of a Treasure Island-sized adventure.

Memories with family members are much more valuable than material objects. Toys and games come and go throughout a person’s life, but memories with parents and grandparents can never be replaced. That’s why they’re the best kind of gifts for kids.

Grandma Darlene found a treasure chest in her favorite craft store and decorated it herself. Did we mention that she is very skilled in arts and crafts?

Within the treasure chest, Grandma Darlene left envelopes that included one for each month of the upcoming year. When the children opened those up, they discovered that each one included an adventure the children could do together.

Are you looking for a creative Christmas present to give to a young family member this year? Take a page out of Grandma Darlene’s book. Her adventures not only promised to be fun, but they also kept her grandchildren eager every month because they had to wait until the first of that month to open its envelope. It’s a gift that keeps on giving every month of the year.

Grandma Darlene shared a now-deleted Facebook post about her adventure box. One comment she wrote was:

“If we looked back on our years, we don’t remember the gifts that were given or WHO gave them. But for me, time spent together are some of my sweetest childhood memories. I remember the family vacations, the Saturday trips to the grocery store, the lake and camping adventures with my family, the fun we had in the tree house that my dad built for me. But I couldn’t tell you a single gift that was a ‘thing’ that I remember receiving.”

Now, this is a gift Grandma Darlene’s grandkids would remember forever.

What do you think about the creative Christmas gift? Would you ever do something similar?

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