King Charles III’s Greek uncle and the last living grandson of King George I of Greece, pas:sed away at the age of 85. His pas:sing marks the end of an important part of European royal history.

According to the Greek newspaper Ekathimerini on July 28, historian and author Michel de Grece passed away in a hospital in Athens. The details of his funeral arrangements are yet to be announced. Known as Prince Michael, he was reportedly the last living grandson of King George I of Greece and had close ties to the British royal family.

The Greek prince was a first cousin of the late Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh, which made him an uncle to King Charles III.

Alongside his royal lineage, Michel was known for his unique personal life. He made headlines in 1965 when giving up his royal rights to marry Marina Karella, an artist and commoner.

This significant break from royal tradition marked a turning point in Michel’s life. The couple had two daughters, Princess Alexandra and Princess Olga, and five grandchildren.

Michel chose to stay in Greece. He remained in the country even after the failed 1967 counter-coup, during which then-King Constantine attempted to overthrow the ruling military Junta. This decision reflected his strong connection to his homeland and his dedication to Greece.

Michel’s life in Greece had a great effect on his work. The historian wrote extensively on Greek history, the Ottoman Empire, and European royalty. His passion for history was evident in his many books, which continue to be influential.

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