A glimpse into a touching story from Oklahoma was shared by the group “Dreamcatchers for Abused Children” on Facebook. This organization aids children who have suffered abuse within their families.

A young boy from Oklahoma endured severe neglect and abuse from his alcoholic parents. Neighbors alerted the police, leading to his rescue and placement with Dreamcatchers for Abused Children. The boy, deprived of a typical childhood, awaited adoption by a loving family.
Volunteers from the organization quickly found an adoptive family for the boy. In anticipation, he wrote a heartfelt wish list detailing his hopes for his new home.

His wish list poignantly read:

  • “I want food and water
  • Don’t hit on me.
  • A house with running water and lights.
  • I want love.
  • Mom and dad don’t fight.
  • I want no drugs.
  • Don’t kill my pets.
  • Help with school.
  • Nice clean clothes.
  • No lice. No bug in house.
  • Clean house.
  • Clean bed with covers.
  • Don’t sell my toys.
  • Treated fair.
  • Don’t get drunk.
  • TV in house.
  • Let me keep my school stuff.
  • Nice shoes.
  • My own comb soap. Nice house and safe and heater coat.
  • Toothbrush.”

This poignant list reminds us to consider the needs of children who lack basic necessities.

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