Unveiling the Mystery: What Are Those Two Notches in the Lower Back?

Have you ever noticed those two small indentations or notches on either side of your lower back? You might have wondered what purpose they serve or why they’re there. Let’s dive into the intriguing world of human anatomy to uncover the secret behind these subtle features.

The Lumbar Dimples: Understanding Their Origin

Those two notches, often referred to as “dimples of Venus” or “lumbar dimples,” are located where the back curves inward, just above the gluteal region. They are more prominent in some individuals than others, but their presence is a common anatomical variation among humans.

What Causes These Dimples?

  1. Genetics: Like many physical traits, lumbar dimples can be inherited. They are often more noticeable in people with lower body fat and are believed to be genetically linked.
  2. Muscular Attachment: These dimples are often associated with the attachment of the underlying ligaments to the pelvic bone. The skin over these areas may appear to indent due to the pull of the connective tissues and muscles in the lower back.
  3. Subcutaneous Fat Distribution: The distribution of subcutaneous fat (fat under the skin) in the lower back area can also affect the visibility of these dimples. Individuals with less subcutaneous fat are more likely to have visible lumbar dimples.

Cultural and Aesthetic Significance

In various cultures, these dimples have been considered a sign of beauty and femininity. They have been admired in art and fashion, often depicted in paintings and sculptures throughout history.

Medical Relevance

While lumbar dimples are typically harmless and purely a cosmetic feature, they can occasionally be associated with underlying spinal issues or abnormalities. In rare cases, a deeper dimple may indicate a developmental issue with the spine or spinal cord, although this is uncommon.

Embracing Individual Differences

Just like other unique traits of the human body, lumbar dimples contribute to the diversity and beauty of our physical appearance. Whether you have prominent dimples or none at all, they are a reminder of the intricate complexity and fascinating variability found in every human body.


Next time you notice those two small indentations on your lower back, you can appreciate their origins and significance. These lumbar dimples add to the rich tapestry of human anatomy, reflecting both genetic heritage and individual variation. Embrace the beauty of these subtle features that make each of us uniquely human.

Now that you know the secret behind those two notches in the lower back, continue to explore the wonders of the human body with curiosity and appreciation for its marvels.

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