Former Team USA gymnast MyKayla Skinner has revealed that she’s been subjected to severe harassment following Simone Biles’ social media criticism. Skinner claims that the backlash has escalated to the point where her family has received death threats, and she is pleading for it to end.

In a heartfelt Instagram video, Skinner addressed the hate she’s encountered since Biles’ social media post targeted her previous remarks about the current team’s work ethic. Despite hoping the issue would fade, the situation has only worsened.

Skinner said Biles’ supporters have been relentless in their “bullying,” with some making threatening remarks towards her, her husband, and their daughter.

“Please, I’m just asking for this to stop for the sake of my family. Enough is enough,” Skinner said tearfully in the video.

She also clarified that her original comments were poorly phrased and were not intended to criticize the 2024 team specifically but rather to address concerns about the “rising generation” as a whole.

Watch the video below:


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